Wowee! Extreme love alert. This amazing place belongs to Maurizio Zucchi of Italian lifestyle company Zucchi. Concrete floors and white walls provide a perfect backdrop for the rich colours of the plants and vintage pieces of furniture, which infuse this interior with so much character and style.

I love the way all the furniture hangs so low in comparison to the vast ceiling height, which really emphasizes the impressive volume of this space. I am also in love with the refined geometry patterns created by thin black lines in the furniture and lighting, the warmth of rich timbers and terra-cotta tones tones set against the cool palette of concrete and white. Ahhh… Perfection.

How would you feel if you lived surrounded by so many cacti plants? I think I would cope just fine, you know. (Btw, this is unrelated, but saying ‘cacti’ always make me chuckle cause it sounds completely wrong for some reason…) Anyway! Head over to Elle Korea to check out more images of this amazing space.

[Discovered thanks to the189 and  iiiinspired. Images from Ideat Magazine, June 2011.]

4 Responses

  1. Oliver @ Sabi Style

    This space reminds me of the landscape in an arid climate – the sea grass rug is like the sand along with the soft furnishings (curtains and cushions), dotted with the Cacti and the the dark chairs and pots are like sand blasted rocks…

    It is such a beautiful but unusual colour palate.

    Oh and PS I have the same thing with Cacti – it always makes me think of a Tie make from, as zee germans would say, “die kacke”

  2. 小物じゃなくてもはや家具!?【柱サボテン】をインテリアに取り入れよう♪|KURASHIRU

    […] 参照元 存在感のある柱サボテンだからできるインテリア。沢山おけば、まるで木々をお部屋にレイアウトしたかのような雰囲気に仕上げる事が出来ます!室内なのに、ジャングルにいるかのような自然の安らぎを感じます。お部屋には勿論、センスを必要としたオフィスや商談の部屋が、こんな雰囲気だったら、仕事もすんなり纏まりそうですね♪ […]


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